Sunday, June 14, 2009

The World is Going Mad

I knew this would happen. I knew, every since the election, I knew this would happen. Look at the world. Iran is in complete chaos. North Korea is threatening war and the economy has not gotten better. Why has this happened. I've been giving this great thought it is still difficult to come up with one good reason. The economy is the easiest, it is the fault of Obama and the Democrats. This stimulus, as I have said before this ridiculous. There is so much money being spent on non-emergency things, and it is exploding the national debt in ways no one could have imagined even less than a decade ago. But I will not get into the deep complexities of this atrocity, but Obama was at fault for leaving this stimulus in the hands of the Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Who can trust this woman with control over the largest piece of economic stimulus in U.S. History? Clearly Mr. President does, and this public who still holds grudges against the Republican party. Why does the public still hold grudges? McCain and the other Republicans have admitted their mistakes, yet the public won't forget. If we want to move on and get on we need to let go of grudges. Then we can come up with a good economic stimulus package and bring down the unemployment report, the highest I might add since the early '80's. We need bipartisanship, but we need the public to forgive and for the Democrats to come down from their election high. If we don't see any results by 2010, then the Democrats are out. Now you might say, I would think that to be a good thing, but I want results by 2010 with ideas from both parties. We need those results. As for National Security issues, this was predictable, but if we had a executive branch that wasn't focused on doing 20 things at once then things would be better. We need a White House focused on emergency things and getting our nation back on course, then we focus on the smaller things. As for Iran, the election was clearly rigged. There is no way, the incumbent won 67%. Tehran wasn't his stronghold and he couldn't win that much without winning Tehran. Now that the election was rigged, the opposition has caused Iran to run into chaos. It will cool down and reform will happen under the same incumbent leader. It won't be much reform, but enough to wait until the next election, which I am sure won't be rigged. North Korea is more dangerous. The future is difficult to tell with North Korea. We will inspect one for their ships, and just as Kim Jong Il said, they will see it a act of war. But they won't do much about. After that it gets hazy. I am not sure if North Korea will declare war or not, or try to attack a U.S. ship, but more likely attack a Japanese ship or a South Korean ship. North Korea knows not to attack anything American. But eventually war will begin. The one thing I am certain of is there will be a war by the re-election in 2012, in which Obama will not be re-elected because the public forgets mistakes fast and will go back to Republicans. Why? Because the public trusts Republicans when there is a war. I hope things will get better, but it doesn't look that way and it is a shame. Obama needs to refocus and the Republicans need to find a way to have the public forget their mistakes earlier this decade. Americans need to let go and so do the Democrats. Get off your election high! It is over. You won, but lets both get down to work and hammer out good economic stimuls, ethic and health care reform, and of course stay away from socialism. We'd be crazy to adopt any form of socialism. I know we already have, but not to a great extent. Thank goodness! Why would we adopt socialism after we spent nearly a century fighting against it. Socialism is the easy way. If we had good leaders and better ideas from both sides, we wouldn't have to take that way. America is better than that, and someone with a life story like Mr. Obama should understand that.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Obama Speech

Last night President Obama gave his first State of the Union-like address to Congress. It was a change though for the new president. Just two weeks ago he was pouncing on the message of fear and depress if Congress does not pass the stimulus. But during last night he went back to the message of hope and a better tomorrow, the ideas of his campaign. But let's face it, Obama's first month in office has been a disaster. The only reason his approval rating is 60% is because the county is still on the high of his campaign. Yet, if this was any other president, then his approval rating would be 40%. Moving on to his speech, it was nice and uplifting. In the NBC News telecast, they counted the number of standing applauses. 34 bipartisan standings. Wow, but he was only able to get that by saying a great deal of American thoughts and bland ideas that everyone can agree. "American will emerge stronger that before". Of course. Everyone in that chamber agrees, but it says nothing about his plans for the future. It is bland, but true. The non specifics that politicians like to say to keep their popularity up. There was little substance in his speech and specifics. It was nice, but it was a campaign speech. Obama needs to get out of campaign mode and not take popularity so seriously. We needs specifics! The one thing that really seems to confuse me, is the idea that he can cut the deficit by half. What! How can he do that? He will be spending trillions of dollars in the next few years on the economy. So what if you have already found $2 trillion of things you can cut. That won't add up to the amount of money spent on the economy and the defense. Obama then says, 'raise taxes on wealthy'. I say no. Let's give a tax cut to all. Those top 2% are in charge of the American businesses. They need their money. Instead of giving their companies bailouts, let them use their money for their company, not tax dollars. Now last night there were a few moments to laugh. "Nobody messes with Joe," was a real laugh. Joe is a tough guy and he has a wild mouth, but is a great guy for watching regulations. The other moment was when Obama said something along the lines of 'we don't want our kids to be paying off this debt', and all the Republicans stood up and cheered. Then Obama said 'but with the debt we inherited', and all the Democrats stood up and cheered. But now Mr. President I thought we don't look to the past. Also this the debt you will be tripling, not even. So all in all it was very good, but bland and lacking specifics. Next time will be better, and the same goes for Bobby Jindal.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Student Voice

This post will be of a quite different topic than I usually speak of. I am a high school student and in today's post I will discuss a matter that has brought near chaos to our school and community. At my high school there is a student newspaper, The Statesman, and they recently published a story in the paper about "hooking up". This caused a great uproar from the more conservative and traditional members of our community. I am traditional and conservative, but if this is what students do, fine, it is a student newspaper. Now a once stolid school board and administration has taken matters into their owns hands regarding a student newspaper. The paper is now under censorship and the newspaper adviser's job may possibly be lost. Under a Supreme Court decision in 1988, Hazlewood, there are very few things we in the student press can do. Schools can censor, but just because they can doesn't make it right. The students like the paper. All 3,400 copies of the paper are gone and many believe the student snatched them all up. So why would a school board want to censor something students enjoy reading. School boards make a big deal about low reading levels and know they say students can only read certain things. We want to encourage reading in any way. Besides there was nothing obscene in the issue or in past issues. The student voice is very important and censoring that is not right in today's society. I hope you agree with me and the near 600 and growing group on Facebook, to help save the Statesman and show your support for the student voice, keeping it away from censorship.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Economic Package Update

Today the U.S. Senate voted 61-37 to pass the Obama Economic Package. A lot has changed since I wrote my last post on this issue. The debate over the package has become more and more intense. This once stolid Congressional and Senatorial majority has chosen selfishness and partisanship throughout the debate in the capital over this package. I am in dismay over the hypocrisy of the democratic majority. Leaders like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are stripping Americans of the true legislation that will bring back American jobs and restore American confidence in the economy. There is no bipartisanship when it comes to the economy. Mrs. Pelosi feels since her pompous political party has won the election, they should write this bill and have control over where this nation is over the next four years. That is wrong. That is why we have a two party system. Debate and bipartisanship is healthy for our democratic and republican survival. This bill is wrong. Yes, I like the Senate version better, but it is still $800 billion. That is a lot of money. Our government should not be spending that much money on a single project. And what is even more baffling is that this money is all for the economy. This is not to say I am against government intervention in business. In some respects it is quite healthy, but I do not like government intervention of this magnitude. The $400 billion one, heading by Mr. John McCain, is more appropriate. It will also create almost the same amount of jobs as the other plan. The difference is that the McCain plan will create jobs that will last 5 or more years. The Obama package creates short term jobs, government jobs, to fix bridges and roads. But eventually the bridge will be completed. Then once massive amounts of government workers projects are finished, they will be out of a job. Now, Democrats say by that time the economy will be much better, but can imagine the impact of 3 million lost jobs in this economy or even a partially stable or dare I say better economy. It would be awful and throw our economy even deeper into the depths of this depression. Besides the economy tanked on the news on the passing and Geither's plan. I think Mr. Obama needs to take this as a serious sign.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Obama Economic Package Is Nonsense

I call myself a True Conservative. I abide my the beliefs on people like William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan. And I must carry through with their legacy. House Republicans are doing that, that god. The fact is President Obama wants to pass a massive economic stimulus package, and I mean massive. All $819 billion, is supposed to fix the economy over the next four years. This is the extreme amount of money. More money than we have spent on the War in Iraq and the Pentagon's budget. Plus interest this would be almost $1 trillion. This is extreme and we shall not have this passed. It is nonsense. So much of this money would go to "non-emergency" things. Things like money for the arts, stem cell research, and for sexual transmitted diseases. It is liberal nonsense and are not an emergency things. This package needs to be stripped of this liberal nonsense. What does the president expect? A bill full of liberal nonsense, he expects to be passed in bipartisan way. The only thing bipartisan about this is the opposition. All republicans and some Democrats voted against this bill. This bill will not directly affect the housing market or the banks, which lead up to credit, the basis for this recession. Instead of spending so much on infrastructure, give money to help the housing market and the banks, directly. The president fells throwing money at certain things, will then help the banks and the housing market. But it won't. Fix the banks and the housing market and those things will trickle down to help fix other things. You must work from the top-down, not bottom-top. Don't get me wrong, money for infrastructure is good, but that will not then help the housing market or the banks. The president needs to tone down this bill and take out the liberal nonsense and start putting things in the bill that will directly help the banks and housing market. The other thing is this bill may not work. It is a "50/50" chance. We cannot play "50/50" with $1 trillion. The president needs to understand that. Another thing is not apart of the package, but is the president's plan for bad credits and banks. His "bad bank" will eat up the bad credit and assets. What nonsense. I wish. I wish the big bad monster could eat up our bad credit and bank debts, but only a child can think that, not the president. Also, this plan would help control the banks. Socialism. This control spent two generations fighting socialism, and we will not give in to it, just because it is the easier things to. "Let's have the government control it all," must be what the president is thinking. Yes, it could work, but for how long. In the U.S.S.R. it worked, but then every now and then they would have massive economic recession worse than other Great Depression, leading up to a massive recession in the late 1980s, which helped bring an end to the Soviet Union. Now we see, Russia wants to go back to socialism, because it is the easier way to fix the recession. We should not let this country fall to that same idea. We are better than that. We do not take the easy way out. Let us keep in mind during this hard time of economic turmoil and worry over how large a role the government should play in this, we should remember these famous quote by Barry Goldwater: “Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” and then by Ronald Reagan: "Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Goodbye To Blagojevich and Hello To A New Era

Today justice was done. Former Governor Rod Blagojevich, (sounds great to say that), was removed from power this afternoon around 4:45. Then Pat Quinn was sworn in and became the 41st Governor of The Land of Lincoln. It is the end to our long state-wide nightmare, (trying to use words of Gerald Ford after Watergate). Yet, this the end of Blagojevich. He is gone and hopefully will go to prison soon. I don't have much to say, but the best of luck to Governor Quinn in trying to rebuild this state and make this state proud again. As for Blagojevich, I hope he seeks mental help in prison and I hope he can try to rebuild his life. I feel sorry though for his daughters. I am sorry that they have to see their dad fail and be humiliated. Yet, as today may be a sad day for the state, let us celebrate the beginning of a new era in Illinois!

The End of His Days

Today will be a historic day for the State of Illinois. Today, Governor Rod Blagojevich could be found guilty at the impeachment trial. Yet, today there is going to be a little surprise. After avoiding the trial since his mis-handled media blitz, Blago will now give a closing argument to the Illinois Senate around noon today. What will he say? If you seek my opinion, I am just a clueless as many of you. He could be like Nixon and just resign, thinking this could help his legacy in some way. He might think, since Nixon resigned, 10 years later, he was very respected. But Nixon resigned before he was impeached. Blago has already been impeached. What I think, is that he will most likely give a campaign speech for his innocence. But you never know with Blago. It could be a five minute speech or could turn into a whole hour and a half of true Blago campaigning filled with poetry and that other nonsense. Either way, as I said earlier this will most likely be his last day as governor. So I will take this time to say a few words to the governor: 'bleeb you' too governor. Your six years as governor and the events of the last month have shown just how little you know or care about Illinois people. We have been through too many currupt leaders, and when you came into office you said you would be a different type of politican. Why did you follow into the footsteps of George Ryan? Why did you let down the people? I hope you governor, that this state is the laughing stock of America, and it is all because of you and your curruptness and games the last month. Only you governor could have created this mess upon us. You have left this state in worst shape then you found it. We are billions in debt and our budget is still a mess. You were elected two times for you single reason: people were afraid of Republicans. But in 2010, what will happen. People will have no where to go. Republican governor currupt, Democrat governor currupt. From a political sense, you have helped republicans. The 1970s, 1980's, and 1990's, were great for this state, ran under Republicans. The people will remember this and vote republican in 2010, because of you, So in the end, I don't wish you any luck today and I hope you know your legacy will not be, childern's health care, or free CTA rides for senors, it will be this. Your impeachment. So long Blagojevich.